Advancing Environmental Sustainability Solutions Today

Slide Color-graduated shaded relief map produced using ENPLAN precision LiDAR elevation data. On hand for central Shasta, Tehama, and Siskiyou County urban regions as raw DEM, contours, TIN, or shaded relief. Slide Touching encounter during biological survey for endangered species. Slide Anderson Community Development Portal-Wastewater Collection System Complete environmental compliance documentation, federal funding qualification and permitting support for over 100 municipal infrastructure improvement projects in Northern California. Slide Dixie Fire spreading rapidly north toward Lake Almanor Dixie Fire spreading rapidly north toward Lake Almanor as displayed in the ENPLAN Wildfire Viewer designed to track and anticipate wildfire progression. Slide Mount Shasta Ski Park. Comprehensive environmental analysis, compliance documentation and permit processing addressing State and federal requirements.

Environmental Analysis and Compliance Services 

ENPLAN provides the complete range of services needed to secure compliance, clearances and permits with the most feasible conditions attainable for your project. The deep experience of our technical experts and project managers enables prompt response and expeditious attainment of project objectives. We are at your side continuously to guide you in navigating the process as smoothly and methodically as possible. 

  • CEQA/NEPA compliance – all aspects  
  • Alternatives analysis 
  • Categorical Exclusions/Exemptions 
  • Findings of No Significant Impact 
  • Mitigated Negative Declarations 
  • Negative Declarations Preliminary
  • Initial Studies
  • Environmental Assessments 
  • Wetland delineations 
  • Section 404 permit processing 
  • Biological surveys  
  • Nesting bird surveys 
  • Cultural resource surveys 
  • Section 106 compliance 
  • Construction monitoring 
  • Phase I Environmental Site Assessments 

    Geospatial Services  

    Our environmental services are supported by strong geographic information systems (GIS) capabilities and proprietary data. Our in-house geospatial database includes over 800 square miles (about half the area of Rhode Island) of highresolution LiDAR and orthoimagery covering the Redding region. We provide precision digital mapping easily shared with project managers, regulatory agencies, engineers, and other interested parties. 

    • Geospatial investigation and analysis 
    • Impacted ownership list compilation 
    • Custom built web maps 
    • GIS renovation and web implementation 
    • Precision LiDAR elevation data 
    • Wildfire risk assessment and modeling 


    Pit River bridge replacement – compliance support – funded through Caltrans Local Assistance program

    Fall River Mills

    Low-income housing funded by Rural Development – NEPA compliance

    Red Bluff

    Freshwater wetland creation – Elk Valley Road Widening

    Del Norte County

    Eagle Lake Marina reconstruction – CEQA compliance

    Spalding, Lassen County

    Wastewater treatment pond renovation funded by USEPA and Rural Development – delineation and permitting assistance

    Fort Bidwell Reservation

    Viewshed analysis for new CHP communication tower in Mono County – green overlay indicates locations from which tower is visible

    California Department of General Services

    Effluent evaporation pond liner used to prevent groundwater contamination – EIS

    Eagle Lake Basin

    Bald eagle monitoring overlooking Eagle Lake – Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) – Spalding CSD Wastewater System

    Lassen County

    Illegal dumping – Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)

    Shasta County

    Redding Veterans Home groundbreaking ceremony – CEQA Mitigation Monitoring

    Marina on the North Coast – municipal GIS – our high resolution orthoimagery used as base for compilation and operation

    City of Fort Bragg

    Wastewater treatment clarifiers next to Pacific Ocean – GIS-based Infrastructure Asset Management System

    City of Fort Bragg

    Botanical survey – environmental constraints analysis for a planned industrial facility

    Mount Shasta

    Resident bat to be relocated – biological impact mitigation – Sacramento River Bridge Replacement

    Glass electrical insulators used in mining operations circa 1930 – Archaeological Inventory

    Flowering elderberry – host plant of the Threatened valley elderberry longhorn beetle – botanical survey and mitigation monitoring

    Foothill yellow-legged frog – Buzzard Roost Road Bridge Replacement Project

    Shasta County

    Mill tailings thickener – Washington Mine — SMARA Compliance

    French Gulch

    Northern California Veterans Cemetery site plan – CEQA/NEPA compliance
    Silt fence and erosion control blankets – Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and monitoring – Construction General Permit (CGP)

    Recording archaeological resources eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and California Register of Historic Resources (CRHR)

    northeastern California

    Eagle Lake Marina reconstruction – CEQA compliance

    Spalding, Lassen County

    Ukiah Air Attack Base Relocation – Environmental Impact Report (EIR)

    Mendocino County

    Measuring stem diameters – valley elderberry longhorn beetle exit-hole survey
    Chipped basalt core used prehistorically for tool production – Archaeological Inventory

    Dust suppression in action – CEQA compliance – Sacramento River bridge demolition

    Shasta County

    Wastewater pond colonized by western pond turtle – survey and relocate turtles

    Placer County

    Bridge pile driving – noise monitoring – CEQA compliance

    Fall River, Shasta County

    Is there still gold in them hills? – Washington Mine – SMARA Compliance

    French Gulch

    Mount Shasta Ski Park – CEQA/ NEPA compliance documentation; mitigation design; plus permit processing meeting regulatory requirements of 11 municipal, state and federal agencies

    Siskiyou County, CA

    Awarded to ENPLAN for its fine-grained analysis of wildfire risk for the Redding region based on vegetation and topographic characteristics. 

    Our Business

    Over 1000 public and private sector clients have been served by ENPLAN since 1980. Our full stack of environmental and geospatial information services combines fluidly to meet client needs on a wide variety of project types helping to navigate the review process swiftly and cost-effectively. We are always committed to strategic implementation of client goals, environmental resilience, and technological optimization in all solutions delivered. Our in-house teams of technical experts, working alongside experienced and dedicated project managers, allow us to coordinate effectively and respond quickly, saving time and money for everyone involved.  

    LiDAR Digital Elevation Data Products

    Bare Earth DEM

    Bare Earth DEM

    Elevation Contours

    Contour Lines

    Raw Digital Elevation Model (DEM)

    Color Shaded Relief

    Canopy and Hardscape

    Canopy and Hardscape

    Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN)

    TIN Model

    Raw Digital Elevation Model (DEM)

    Coverage Map

    Online Mapping Technology

    Mapport is an online geospatial software platform (SaaS) On which unique maps are quickly built and deployed for public or private client access.


    Property lines, owner data and other information essential to the interpretation of land parcel status and characteristics.

    Parcel Viewer

    Continuous detection of wildfire ignitions and spread via NASA and NOAA satellite mounted VIIRS, MODIS and GOES sensors plus other information crucial to their interpretation.

    Wildfire Viewer

    Publicly accessible comprehensive zoning map showing districts and linking to ordinance documentation.

    Tehama County Zoning

    Prefire engineering map used by CAL FIRE to access ownership data, plan risk management operations, and carry out standards enforcement.

    Fire Manager

    Wildfire risk assessment for the Record Searchlight/USA Today covering the Redding area including the wildland urban interface.

    Wildfire Risk