Advancing Environmental Sustainability Solutions Today

Environmental Analysis and Compliance Services
ENPLAN provides the complete range of services needed to secure compliance, clearances and permits with the most feasible conditions attainable for your project. The deep experience of our technical experts and project managers enables prompt response and expeditious attainment of project objectives. We are at your side continuously to guide you in navigating the process as smoothly and methodically as possible.
- CEQA/NEPA compliance – all aspects
- Alternatives analysis
- Categorical Exclusions/Exemptions
- Findings of No Significant Impact
- Mitigated Negative Declarations
- Negative Declarations Preliminary
- Initial Studies
- Environmental Assessments
- Wetland delineations
- Section 404 permit processing
- Biological surveys
- Nesting bird surveys
- Cultural resource surveys
- Section 106 compliance
- Construction monitoring
- Phase I Environmental Site Assessments
Geospatial Services
Our environmental services are supported by strong geographic information systems (GIS) capabilities and proprietary data. Our in-house geospatial database includes over 800 square miles (about half the area of Rhode Island) of high–resolution LiDAR and orthoimagery covering the Redding region. We provide precision digital mapping easily shared with project managers, regulatory agencies, engineers, and other interested parties.
- Geospatial investigation and analysis
- Impacted ownership list compilation
- Custom built web maps
- GIS renovation and web implementation
- Precision LiDAR elevation data
- Wildfire risk assessment and modeling
Our Business
Over 1000 public and private sector clients have been served by ENPLAN since 1980. Our full stack of environmental and geospatial information services combines fluidly to meet client needs on a wide variety of project types helping to navigate the review process swiftly and cost-effectively. We are always committed to strategic implementation of client goals, environmental resilience, and technological optimization in all solutions delivered. Our in-house teams of technical experts, working alongside experienced and dedicated project managers, allow us to coordinate effectively and respond quickly, saving time and money for everyone involved.
LiDAR Digital Elevation Data Products